Our relationship with dogs

 Dog and mans relationship was symbiotic. Man required the nose of an animal, only as capable as dog, to find the meat required to stay alive. Wolves naturally tracked; with a force as strong as humans behind them nothing on four legs stood a chance. All percentages of survival dropped to zero. When you were targeted by these two powerful forces: dog and human; unless you had wings there was no chance you were making it out alive during their hunt. Man is intelligent and dog embodies superior senses. 

They're in a class of very few species known in 200,000+ years on earth that can cooperate towards a single goal, task, and complete a desired working response. Today however the relationship has become more parasitic. 70-80% of dogs live out their years keeping the floor warm, and being punished for...being dogs. Most people no longer require their noses for survival, their strength for difficult work or their unbelievable adaptability in harsh environments.

When people desire animals for the minute glory of ownership, problems occur. Would you keep a horse locked up alone in a stall? or a dolphin forever alone in a swimming pool? Yes, people do it all the time and disasters occur. Dogs now need man more then man needs dog. And the only thing dog needs more then ever, is for man to let them be a dog.

This does not mean destructive, disobedient, hyperactive or aggressive. It means the time for them to release their wonderful energy which hasn't been lost in the long process of domestication. The companionship and the time to unwind together; rejoining the bond between two of the greatest and most mutually understanding species on the planet. This is what dog needs. Dog needs his man back. Dog needs your time.

Maybe we've been sleeping the last few decades. Its time to wake up and be free once again. Enjoy your dog, If your unsure, let him teach you.. as he did thousands of years ago. 

'grab your dog. be free.'